Quantum computer is a kind of physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics, performs high-speed mathematical and logical operations, stores and processes quantum information. In a broad sense, a device can be called a quantum computer when it processes and calculates quantum information and runs quantum algorithms.The characteristics of quantum computer mainly include fast running speed, strong information processing ability and wide application range. Compared with ordinary computers, the more information is processed, the more favorable it is for quantum computers to perform operations, and the more accurate the operations can be ensured. Quantum computers are based on qubits.The breakthrough of Google's quantum chip detonated the whole plate. Is this direction worth investing?
Small-cap stocks were generally active in the market yesterday, while the heavyweights were generally weak. In fact, it was mainly because Tuesday's gains were generally high and low, and most heavyweights came out to take advantage of the trend of good shipments, so it was completely understandable that they were not strong.In the news, Google released the latest quantum computing chip Willow, which is an important milestone in building a useful quantum computer. Affected by this news, the entire quantum communication sector has risen strongly. What do you think?What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?
Long-term direction: real estate, kitchen appliances, chicken raising, food, zinc, good free cash flow, high dividends, high dividends, and growth (don't blindly pursue high dividends, be wary of varieties with high dividends and low dividends, and wait for the callback to stabilize and intervene).What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?This is just like the previous new energy vehicles. The concept of new energy vehicles existed many years ago, and there were many kinds of news, and the market was often speculated, but it was always difficult to get out of the trend market. When the new energy vehicles can really be commercialized, the new energy vehicles will usher in a huge wave, and all kinds of new energy-related enterprises will also usher in a glorious moment.